Welcome to Kseniya's Hobbies Site

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Hello! Welcome to my first full site! On this site you will find my hobbies such as drawing and my favorite music and more. I hope you enjoy it here.

My first work, Castiel from supernatural face One photo from my gallery, Arseny Popov an actor from show improvization Master of Puppets, song photo Matt Murdock, lawyer from Hell's Kitchen aka DareDavil

My name is Ksusha! I share some of the hobbies I do! I love watching movies and series, rainy days and drawing. Here is my first drawing. By navigating through the different tabs, you can find the music I like, the movies and TV shows I've watched, as well as a small art gallery and drawings I like. The first photo is my very first drawing when I was just trying to draw a face. The second is one photo from my gallery, the third is my favorite track, and the fifth is a photo of my favorite character from the series. Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy it!